Tuesday, 26 April 2011

SHARKTOPUS the new killing machine! LOL!

hey guys sorry for the non-update season.. Hehe still busy for my june cambridge exams,PLUS i was also busy playing badminton on my spare times..heheh

okay for today's post is about something that i just remembered,a funny funny movie!

Here's the thing,when we went to a dvd shop in tutong,we came across a dvd called 'sharktopus' its about a shark with octopus tentacles invading the beach(i mean a shark ON the beach! seriously?) and killing people..

well i guess the main reason why the shark have tentacles was so that it can go ON land and munching people on the beach and well ive gotta say,the sharks must be somewhat bored waiting for some sexy baywatch chicks to go for a swim and become snacks ..

so to save a lot of time,it decided to bang an octopus instead.. and evolve into a new revolution monster haha.. And walk the earth! Moohaha! :p talk about major b-movie =.=' hahaha

but i haven't watch the movie yet ..hahah i could be judgemental sometimes,soo yeah haha i'll pretty much won't buy movies like that..cuz with a B rated movies,the movie ALWAYS end with common endings ..like for a thriller ending, the sharktopus have laid some egg somewhere deep in the oceans,where the Hero of the movie wouldn't know of course,he thought he have save the world and start kissing the heroin with wide happy smiles..haha B-O-R-I-N-G ..